Elizabeth Mazzurco, 0wner
Email: elizabeth@thecirclebakeshop.com
The Circle Bake Shop is not accepting orders at this time. Thank you.

Elizabeth Mazzurco, "the cookie lady" behind The Circle Bake Shop by Elizabeth, has always loved to create. As an elementary school teacher, crafting ran through her veins. It wasn't until she was making rolled out sugar cookies with her young daughter that she discovered royal icing and the art she could create with cookies as her medium. The creative outlet of cookie design inspired Elizabeth to perfect the craft. Baking for pre-school bake sales quickly became requests from friends and family, then friends of friends, and thus a business grew.
When not covered in flour and sugar, Elizabeth can be found spending time with her wonderful and inspiring three young children and her amazing husband. If you're interested in contacting Elizabeth about a custom order, please send a detailed email to elizabeth@thecirclebakeshop.com or send a message from the contact section of the page.